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Our Early Years Foundation Stage is made up of Nursery and Reception. Our wonderful Early Years team work hard to promote co-operative learning through all areas of the Foundation Stage Curriculum. 

We prepare children for a smooth and seamless transition to Key Stage 1 by developing and modelling a range of skills that will aid this transition and prepare them for the rest of their school career. We have a very welcoming ethos and an ‘open door’ policy, where parents are encouraged have daily discussions with staff to support the ongoing learning in Nursery and Reception.

Our Academy’s SENDCO and Senior Leadership Team work closely with the Early Years Team, who support children in our school with various needs. Our SENDCo is there to offer advice, liaise with outside agencies and ensure we create a provision suitable for the needs of all pupils.

Both Nursery and Reception classes follow a comprehensive, whole day programme that ensures all areas of the EYFS curriculum are covered. This engaging teaching approach also prepares children to be confident, independent and inquisitive learners with a variety of skills to thrive in the world around them. Our Early Years provision provides the ideal building blocks for learning that follows in Key Stage 1, giving children consistency in their education as they get older.

Early Years Areas of Learning

The Early Years curriculum focuses on seven areas of learning which are split into the prime areas and the specific areas. As children grow and mature in the prime areas, they become ready to develop and acquire skills and knowledge in the specific areas.

The Prime Areas:
  • Personal, Social & Emotional Development
  • Physical Development
  • Communication and Language
The Specific Areas:
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

Each of the areas has its own learning goals. By the end of Reception, most children should have made significant progress towards achieving these goals.

