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Times of the School Day

Our school day begins at 8:50am and finishes at 3:20pm.

During morning sessions, classes take part in English and Maths sessions. In the afternoons, classes study the Wider Curriculum subjects. Sometimes the timetables may change due to other events e.g. additional sports or music provision.

Assemblies take place three times a week at 2:45pm.

Early Years Foundation Stage
Start of Day
08:50am 12:20pm 08:50am
End of Day
11:50am   03:20pm
Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2
  Key Stage 1
(Years 1 & 2)
Key Stage 2
(Years 3, 4, 5 & 6)
Start of Day
08:50am 08:50am
12-12:45pm 12:30-01:15pm
End of Day
03:20pm 03:20pm
Our Extended Schools provision remains the same:
  Breakfast Club After School Club
07:30am 03:20pm
08:50am 05:45pm


End of the Day:

The school day ends at 3.20pm for all children. Children are led out by their teachers where they line up the children by their class number that is painted on the playground. Teachers will wait until they make visual contact with a parent or authorised carer that they know and recognise before they hand over your child. Whilst this may take slightly longer, you can be assured that you child will never be released to anyone that we do not know is fully authorised to collect them.  For this reason, please introduce us personally to any adult that you wish to be able to collect your child.  Please do not ever just send someone different along, or even simply ring to tell us that someone different that you have not previously introduced us to, will be collecting your child.  In the interests of safety, we will not let the child go in these circumstances. Please also note that no person under the age of 18 may collect a child from the school.

No child below Year 6 may make their own way home. Should your child be in Year 6, and you want them to make their own way home, please provide us with this request in writing to the class teacher and school office. We will not permit any Year 6 child to go home unaccompanied unless we have received this information.



If your child is attending an extracurricular activity, it will conclude at 4:20 pm.