Reading is the cornerstone of our English curriculum. For children to succeed in school, they must be reading at the national curriculum stage of learning by the end of each year group.
They also need effective teachers, so our approach includes intensive professional development, ongoing coaching support, and data tools to give teachers feedback on how children are learning and where they need additional teaching or extra help. Our approach to teaching English involves the whole school community in implementing effective teaching that is based on the best research on what works well.
Our English programme makes learning fun and engaging for children and helps teachers become knowledgeable, skilled instructional leaders. This will accelerate and challenge children’s reading and writing abilities. Strong foundations, in both oracy and literacy, are built in Nursery and Reception, and pupils receive systematic teaching throughout the primary years to extend their learning systematically.
We provide a wide range of opportunities for children to explore and develop phonic knowledge and comprehension strategies; develop vocabulary and spelling; improve grammatical awareness; analyse whole texts; and develop writing in a range of genres, all whilst exposing children to a wide range of interesting, bright and diverse range of literature.